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There are almost as many hobbies as people in the world. People take up all kinds of hobbies. Some are common, some are “different” and some are altogether, strange.
The most popular hobby that comes to mind would be stamp collecting. That is an interesting hobby! After all you can never have enough stamps, from all over the world! But actually I think all hobbies are interesting in their own way, even the strange ones. I once heard of men who colleted razors. Now, to me, that’s strange. What could be interesting about a razor? But who knows, to each his own.
People collect all kinds of things from books to toys, cards and games. A hobby is a very personal thing. To each person, no matter what the hobby is, it provides enjoyment, relief of stress and most importantly a ‘time away’ from everything. I have two hobbies myself. One is playing the piano, the other, photography. Even though they may seem very different from one another they, in many ways have the same effect on me. They stimulate. My mind.
I think that music,. Is one of the great pleasures of life. It can create a mood, bring back memories, can make you laugh or cry. When I play the piano, I am in a world of my own where everything else disappears. For that moment time stops and all that is left is what I am feeling at the time, which is expressed by the type of music or a song I play.
Photography is very similar. When I am preparing to take a picture, in the last few moments before I hap and take the photo, time stops. Once again everything else disappears, it is just the image and I. It’s that total focus, concentration and pure emotion that takes to do these hobbies, this is what I enjoy most.
The type of hobby that a parson has says a lot about them. It can give you a pear into their inner self. This is why very often the question of a hobby arises during a job interview. The potential employer may ask this question in order to get to know the prospective employee better. Hobbies are often very surprising and can reveal quite a lot about a person’s character and personality.
Whether its stamp collecting, skydiving or gardening, drawing, singing, piano or photography, a hobby can be a wonderful thing. Find out what you like to do and do it. And from time to time ask someone what their hobby is, you just never know what you might find out!

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